
[호텔파파]해운대 영무 파라드 호텔 (HAEUNDAE YOUNGMU PARADE HOTEL )

호텔파파 2024. 7. 19. 18:35


안녕하세요 호텔파파입니다.

Hello, this is Hotel Papa.

모든 객실 내 무료 Wi-Fi/가 제공되는 이 숙소에서 즐거운 여행을 시작하세요. 부산의 해운대구에 위치한 본 숙소는 관광 명소 및 흥미로운 레스토랑과 가깝습니다. 시간을 내어 감천 문화 마을 및 근처 해운대 비치을/를 방문해 보세요. 4성급 숙소는 보다 훌륭하고 기억에 남는 숙박을 제공하기 위해 레스토랑을/를 갖추고 있습니다.

Start a pleasant journey at this accommodation, which offers free Wi-Fi in all rooms. Located in Haeundae-gu, Busan, this accommodation is close to tourist attractions and interesting restaurants. Take the time to visit Gamcheon Culture Village and nearby Haeundae Beach. This four-star accommodation is equipped with restaurants/ to provide a better and more memorable stay.




해운대 영무 파라드 호텔 위치 Haeundae Yeongmu Parad Hotel Location



체크인 : 16:00 check in: 16:00

체크아웃 : 11:00 check out: 11:00





객실 rooms

객실은 스탠다드,디럭스, 패밀리, 프리미어, 스위트로 되어 있습니다.

The rooms are standard, deluxe, family, premier, and suite.


스탠다드 standard


디럭스 deluxe


패밀리 family


프리미어 premier


스윗트 suite




이용후기 review

<가성비 좋은 호텔이나 몇가지 단점도 있습니다>

<There are also some disadvantages of a hotel with a good cost-effectiveness>

셀프 체크인 체크아웃 시스템이라 편리했고 객실도 깨끗하고 위치도 좋고 가성비 좋은 호텔입니다. 블로그 후기에서 봤던 실내화나 칫솔, 치약 이런게 없어서 문의하니 일회용품 규제로 인해 지급하지 않고 1층 자판기에서 별도로 구매해야 된다고 하더라구요. 가실분들은 참고하세요. 대부분 좋았지만 단점을 얘기해보자면 22층인데도 불구하고 소음 차단이 완벽하지 않아 바깥의 소음이 들리더라구요. 그리고 베개도 너무 높아서 불편했습니다. 현관 입구쪽 전구가 센서등이어서 잘때 화장실가면 그쪽에 불이 자동으로 켜져서 동행자가 잘때 예민하신분이면 불편할 듯 싶습니다. 그래도 해운대 좋은 위치에 있는 호텔치고는 저렴하고 가성비 좋았습니다.

It was a self-check-in check-out system, so it was convenient, the room was clean, the location was good, and the hotel was cost-effective. I asked because there were no shoes, toothbrushes, or toothpaste I saw in the blog review, and they said I had to buy them separately from the vending machine on the first floor without paying due to the regulation on disposable products. If you want to go, please refer to it. Most of them were good, but to tell you the downside, even though it was on the 22nd floor, the noise blocking was not perfect, so I could hear the noise from the outside. And the pillow was too high, which was uncomfortable. The light on the entrance to the entrance of the entrance is automatically turned on when going to the bathroom when sleeping, so I think it would be uncomfortable if the person was sensitive when the companion sleeps. Still, it was inexpensive and cost-effective for a hotel located in a good location in Haeundae.


<편안한 숙소 덕분에 반려견과 행복한 시간보내고 왔습니다!>

<Thanks to the comfortable accommodation, I had a happy time with my dog!>

반려견동반숙소를 많이 다녀봤지만 지금까지 다닌곳중에 가장 깨끗한 공간이었습니다! 반려견 동반 숙소가 아니라고 해도 믿을 정도의 청결상태였고 강아지 매트와 계단이 있어서 좋았습니다! 침대도 크고 편해서 반려견과 셋이 함께 누워있어도 불편함이 전혀없었고 처음 도착했을때 복도에서 다른방 강아지가 짖는소리가 들리길래 오늘밤도 한마리가 짖으면 다같이 짖어서 방에서 다 들리겠구나 생각했는데 막상 방안에서는 방음이 좋아서 전혀 소리가 들리지않았습니다! 또 침대옆에있는 주황색 의자가 너무 마음에 들었는데 사람이 앉아도 넘 편했고 강아지 허리가 긴 편이라 다른 의자에서는 눕는게 거의 불가능하고 불편해하는데 의자가 크고 넓으니 강아지가 앉아서 또 누워서 쉬기 편했는지 계속 앉아있더라고요ㅋㅋ 3층에 반려견놀아터도 구경갔었는데 강아지 돌봐주시는 직원분이 넘 친절하시고 강아지들을 좋아하는게 보였습니다! 26층 씨메르직원분들도 모두 친절했고 강아지동반이라고 해도 거의대부분 다른 서비스 이용이 불가능한것들이 많은데 이곳에서는 반려견이 진짜 편하게 쉬었다갈수있었습니다! 재방문의사 매우 있습니다!! 주차는 조금 불편하긴했습니다

I've been to many dog accommodations, but it was the cleanest space I've ever been to! It was clean enough to believe that it wasn't a dog accommodation, and it was nice to have a dog mat and stairs! The bed was big and comfortable, so there was no inconvenience even if the three of us were lying down together. When I first arrived, I heard a dog barking in the other room in the hallway, so I thought if one barked tonight, everyone would bark together and hear it in the room, but the sound insulation was good in the room, so I couldn't hear any sound at all! Also, I loved the orange chair next to the bed, but it was very comfortable for me to sit down because of the long waist of the dog, but it was almost impossible and uncomfortable to lie down in another chair. LOL I also went to the dog playground on the third floor, and the dog care staff seemed to be very kind and liked the dogs! The 26th floor Cimmer staff were all kind, and there are many other services that are not available even for dogs, but my dog was able to relax here! I have a very intention to revisit! Parking was a little uncomfortable


<깨끗하고 좋아요.>

<It's clean and nice.>

지어진지 얼마안된 호텔이라 그런지, 룸 상태 깨끗하고, 에어드레서도 있어서 비오는날 겉옷 건조시키고 너무 좋았어요. 다만 무인호텔이라서 전화통화가능시간대가 있어 요청하려할때 좀 불편했구요. 요새 일회용품제한으로 어매니티가 일부없거나, 다회용 용기로 제공되는건 알고있지만, 바디로션은 없더라구요..ㅠ 따로 챙기세요. 조식도 부페 메뉴가 알찬편이고. 5분내외로 해운대바닷가 바로에요.

Maybe because it's just been built, the room condition is clean, and there is an air dresser, so I dried my outerwear on a rainy day and it was so nice. However, since it's an unmanned hotel, there is a phone call available time, so it was a little inconvenient when I tried to request it. I know that there are no eye manicures due to the restrictions on disposable products these days, or they are provided in multi-use containers, but there is no body lotion. Please bring breakfast separately. The buffet menu is also full. It's right next to Haeundae Beach in about 5 minutes.


비대면 호텔임에도 불편함이 없었습니다.”
<Even though it was a non-face-to-face hotel, there was no inconvenience.">

비대면 체크인 체크아웃은 처음이라 걱정했는데 크게 불편함 없이 잘지냈습니다. 오히려 체크인하려 줄서고 키반납하고 할 필요가 없어 좋았어요. 그리고 청결상태가 정말 좋았습니다.보통 보이는 곳만 청소해서 침대 밑에는 먼지가 엄청 많은 경우가 대부분인데 여긴 침대 밑까지 깨끗하더라구요. 건물 사이로지만 나름 오션뷰도 정말 잘보이고 좋았어요. 그리고 여기는 겨울 난방을 히터가 아니라 온돌을 쓰는 점도 좋았습니다. 부모님이 좋아하셨어요. 다만 외국분들이나, 온돌에 익숙하지 않은 분들을 위한 온도 조절기 설명서가 있음 좋겠어요. 처음에 좀 헷갈리더라구요. 바로 맞은 편 건물에 CU, GS25, 세븐 일레븐, 미니스톱 다 있어서 편의점 음식 조달하기 편리하고, 해운대 해수욕장도 5분도 안걸려 위치가 참 좋습니다. 해운대 메인거리까진 천천히 걸음 도보로 8?정도로 딱 적당했어요. 한가지 아쉬운 점은 뚜벅이로 갈경우 체크인, 체크아웃 후 짐보관을 따로 안해준다는 점이에요. 3층 유료보관함에 1000-5000원 내고 보관해야해요. 당연, 짐캐리 서비스도 이용 못해서 아쉬웠어요.(꼭 이용하고싶으신 분들은 근처 ㅆㅋㄹㅇㄷ 호텔 보관함에 맡기세요!) 그럼에도 다음에 해운대오면 또 여기 묵고싶을만큼 정말 마음에 든 숙소였습니다. 해운대 가성비 좋은 숙소 찾으시는 분들께 추천드리고 싶어요.

I was worried because it was my first time to check-in online, but I was fine without any inconvenience. Rather, it was nice because I didn't have to wait in line to check-in and return the key. And the cleanliness was really good. Usually, I only clean what I see, so there is a lot of dust under the bed, but this place was also clean under the bed. Even though it was between the buildings, the ocean view was really good and it was nice. And I liked that they use the ondol, not the heater, for winter heating. My parents liked it. However, it would be nice to have a thermostat manual for foreigners or those who are not familiar with the ondol. At first, I was a little confused. CU, GS25, 7-Eleven, and Ministop are all located right across the building, so it's convenient to buy convenience store food, and Haeundae Beach is located in less than 5 minutes. It was just about 8 minutes on a slow walk to the main street of Haeundae. One regrettable thing is that if you go to Ttubuck, you won't have to check-in or check-out and store your luggage separately. You have to pay 1,000-5,000 won to store it in the paid storage box on the 3rd floor. Of course, I was disappointed that I couldn't use the luggage carry service. (If you really want to use it, leave it at the hotel storage box at a nearby ㅆ, ㅋㄹㄷ!) Nevertheless, I really liked the accommodation as much as I would like to stay here again next time I visit Haeundae. I would like to recommend it to those who are looking for a cost-effective accommodation in Haeundae.
